We recently had a customer come in and ask if we could add a push bar to his little girl's trike. The purpose is to add a way to help him control the trike. This project could have been something very simple but I wanted to make it very special for them. They asked for a simple tube, but how could I do simple? Having a talent is useless unless you can find ways for it to manifest itself. Sometimes it's about getting paid, while other times it's about making some smile. The ladder is certainly the case in this. Hopefully fabricating this super cool push bar on the back of her trike will make them both smile while they make memories together. The push bar was first designed in Solidworks. Solidworks allows us to design in a 3D environment making sure parts in the assembly will work flawlessly together. We CNC plasma cut the flat parts from 11 ga P&O steel plate. Once cut we mocked them up on the trike. The entire assembly was then TIG welded together. Small touches like the dimple die holes and Motobilt logo were added during the fabrication process. The tube will have bike grips added for comfort. The paint finish is simply black wrinkle finish. If you have a custom need to help improve a handicap friend or family member be sure to contact us. We would be more than happy to sit down and talk over the need. Thanks for checking out Motobilt.